20 August 2012

The Opera


Yesterday we decided to go to the Opera. I had found an advertisement for the Puccini festival when we were still in Derby, and as La Boheme was one of the performances I thought it would be a nice treat as this is one of Parth’s favourite operas.

We drove out to Torre del Lago which turned out to be a beautiful place. The venue was the Great Open Air Theatre which is right next to Lake Massaciuccoli.

Lake Massaciuccoli
Parth all dressed up..

Most people had dressed up for the occasion and I was glad I had decided to wear a dress. Parth, however, felt uncomfortable in the shirt we’d brought with us and insisted on changing back into his Calvin and Hobbes t-shirt.

I really enjoyed the performance very much. The production was very well done. The sets were nice and the performances were very good. It was nice to be able to look up at the stars in the interludes. Parth made fun of me pointing out constellations to him.


  1. Oh, how magnificent! It must have truly been an unforgettable experience to share under the stars! The Lago looks beautiful and so peaceful.
    Sooo glad you are having such an amazing time!!!

  2. That's a wonderful experience under the stars.Thought you would have dressed up as the Bohemians do! I am glad that you both are having such a memorable time.It sounds great indeed!!!

  3. on Friday evening I have to go for a special dinner at kashmir,I will call when I come back.

  4. Getting ready for the great day ahead! May all your wishes come true as you step into the threshhold of this union between two souls and the two shall become one in spirit,soul and mind.May God bless you both and always keep you together under His Love,grace and mercy.love you son and love you Sophie.
