26 August 2012


So on Monday we decided to visit Pistoia. As we set off in the morning the clouds looked amazing after the storm the night before.




The drive there was quite pleasant. Parth wasn’t moaning about the heat for once as the temperature had dropped quite a lot and the humidity had gone.


When we got to Pistoia it was a little disappointing as the Cathedral was nothing compared to some of the others on our travels but inside was quite nice.



On the way back we decided to make up for it by taking a different route back through some hillside towns. The views were so fantastic that the drive back made up for being disappointed with Pistoia. 




  1. Alright, so I know you didn't really like Pistoia Cathedral...

  2. Oh, not even a picture? There could have also been pictures of YOU TWO. Never getting bored of them!!

  3. Nevermind,expecting more of you both from France.
