19 August 2012


Yesterday, on Massimo's recommendation, we drove into the beautiful Tuscan countryside. The sun was shining and the weather was beautiful.

The Garfagnana is actually the valley of the river Serchio and it lies to the North of Lucca.

Serchio River

Our first stop was the town of Borgo a Mozzano to see the Ponte della Maddalena.

We then drove on to the little town of Gallicano from where we turned onto a narrow, winding road up into the hills.
Our destination was the Grotta del Vento, the Cave of the Winds.
It was a nail biting drive up the hill having to contend with crazy Italian drivers coming in the opposite direction. One even tried to overtake us. Maddness on such a tight road with so many bends.
We managed to get to the top without a scratch.

The cave was very interesting and had a lot of stalactites and stalagmites. Parth claims to have seen a goblin swimming in one of the pools. I think Parth found the temperature in the cave a relief as it was only 10 degrees. Outside it was reaching around 37 degrees!

Rock pool in the cave


  1. Fantastico! Thanks for the beautiful pics. Ponte della Maddalena has a beautiful shape. It's amazing to think one can actually walk/drive over it. It somehow looks too fragile! Well, and the CAVE is something else- stunning Speleological spectacle!! Oh yes, was that a woodland elf you were able to snap at the end there? ;-)So glad you are having such an amazing time, although your temperatures at near 40C are just a bit warmer than our 22 muggy and oppressive climate!!

    1. No it was not a wood elf (there are no such things as woodland elves, only high elves, dark elves and wood elves) - it was a goblin.
