12 August 2012

St. Omer

Finally got internet access this morning after getting their WiFi access code from the reception desk. We are staying in a hotel in a small town called St. Omer.

Actually had a bit of a nightmare finding the place. It was after nine o'clock by the time we actually got off the ferry (thanks to the delays with London traffic), but after driving around we managed to get a decent place to stay and a good night's sleep.

Unushi: This is the Hotel we stayed in. In the morning we went for a walk and found a little cafe where we had breakfast with the locals.

Breakfast with the locals was interesting. The local winos were there having their first drinks at half-past eight. Even the cafe owner had alcohol on his breath...
Unushi: Before setting off for Laon we went and had a look around the Cathedral.


  1. LOL,I take note, there are now 2 'bloody' things, the French and the London traffic. You might have to perform some A&E stuff soon, Alcidas!
    Poppa P read us a huge amount about St Omer last night, and we also noted that there was an Archeological Museum in Omer. Poppa P thinks you might have gone and visited it, but I am doubtful.It is most interesting to follow your adventure. Thinking of you loads!

  2. Actually, I love France. And I like the French as well. Its just that I like taking the mick out of them more...

    But London traffic I have always hated with a vengeance.

    1. LOL, so it was a good thing that you came 'out from among them'. Normanton road has its horrors, but it must be better than London, I can imagine! :-)
