24 August 2012


On Tuesday we visited Florence. We decided to take the train there as Massimo told us it would be very difficult and expensive to park.


When we got to the station we bought the tickets and as we had about an hour to wait for the next train went and had gelato. Parth was very happy as you can see.



The journey took just under an hour and a half and it was quite nice for us both to be able to relax and look at the views.

We walked from the station into the centre and saw the Cathedral ahead. I hadn’t realised how spectacular it would be.  

Florence Cathedral

Ponte Vecchio

After we had looked around the cathedral we went to the Ponte Vecchio, the only bridge over the Arno that wasn’t destroyed in WW2. We went and had a look in the windows of the grand jewellery shops that line the bridge.




Palazzo Vecchio

After that we went to look at the Palazzo Vecchio which had so very interesting pictures and statues.

Putto with Dolphin in the Palazzo Vecchio

View of San Miniato al Monte from the Palazzo Vecchio

It also had a tower which we climbed and gave us some great views of Florence and the cathedral. It really is a beautiful city. I’d love to come back here one day as there is so much to see.



The temperature in Florence showed as 39°C. Lucca has not been quite that hot Massimo says that is due to it being closer to the sea. Parth has not been enjoying the heat but I’m still loving it.


  1. What a beautiful sight!It's enormous and so lovely!

  2. Yes, what a wonder! Granddad Pegg, connoisseur of beautiful, artistic things had always wanted to visit that fabulously rich and interesting city. Parth encapsulates the joie de vivre... Ice cream, of course. ;-) Lovely to see!
